This is a common meme right now and I totally agree. The more we can let go of the past, the better our lives, both present and future, can be. But it is easier said than done. We all would love to let go of our resentments, heartbreak, heartache and sadness about events that have happened to us and continue to keep our hearts open.
This is where the Emotion Code comes in. We really can let go of our past by releasing all those trapped emotions we have experienced in our lives and even inherited from our parents, which have left us so wounded or even jaded.
We are afraid to trust, to love, to put ourselves out there both personally and professionally because we feel so vulnerable.
But that is what we are here to do. To rise above all the pain and injustice we have experienced and keep loving and growing.
Because really, what else is there? We can either shut down and live smaller and smaller versions of ourselves or we can work at moving through our story and living our souls’ vision of who we are here to be.
- Colleen has a huge heart but always attracted the wrong guys. She would invest fully in the relationship but they would not really care about her and move on quickly to the next woman. She was determined to release that pattern and find the love of her life. Within only a few months SHE DID and is now in love with a wonderful man.
- Amanda had a lot of resentment toward her parents. After a couple of sessions releasing those old emotions which were still playing out, she told me her resentment is gone and she has a good relationship with them now.
- Diane was terribly abused as a child and it kept her locked in patterns which were detrimental. After several sessions she says she is free of all those limiting beliefs and behaviors.
It really is possible to release the past with The Emotion Code and move into a much better and more fulfilling life!